Busy busy busy... I don't know that I have ever been so busy. I'm relieved to finally have this Friday night to re unite with my laptop and do some administrataive and social media work. The above photo is my new Facebook "cover" photo for my Beauty Page (also called Chellebelle Style) - if you haven't already... PLEASE like that page for me. Message me and I'll like yours back.
I finally opened up an official Facebook "Event" for my Lilla Rose Launch party that is open now! Can any of you suggest what I might do to create some online buzzing about all of this? Here is the link... I would love your comments and suggestions. A giveaway maybe? Hmmm. I anxioiusly await your comments.
Last weekend I had my first LIVE event with Lilla Rose! Wow, considering that I only had a few products to show - the table looked pretty official I must say. I can't wait for the next one so that I can do it "right" next time. I learned from all the other vendors what I was supposed to do... that I did NOT know so... I know better next time. Here's a picture of my booth:
Next time it will be over the top... I learned a lot by doing this show. I was so excited and lucky to have an assistant assigned to me for this event! Her name is Adele and she was completely amazing. She loved the products I demonstrated and sold. Here is a picture of her trying on my you pins in a casual way:
Doesn't she have gorgeous hair?
Well I promise to take more pictures before my net post... it certainly makes for better blog reading and writing!
Until net time...
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