I PROMISE that every topic I blog about will not be Jamberry nails! I just happened to fall head over heals for these and now I’m obsessing over them (for a while, maybe just until I’ve completely mastered the art of Jamberry nail wraps?). It’s been a long, cold and snowy winter here in New England, I’ve injured both of my shoulders (limiting my ability to run my design business)… and so, what can I say? My new Jamberry business has filled a “creative & crafty” void in my life right about now!

I wanted to cover something basic but hugely important to me:
Removing these is a PLEASURE compared to nail polish. It is so clean – and my bare natural nails underneath did not turn yellow or discolor in any way (see the picture I took of mine on top of the new Spring/Summer 2014 Jamberry catalog). No polish in the crevices. No messy, smelly cotton balls to dispose of. No damage to my real nails! It is recommended that you use just about any oil that you might have in your kitchen or bath when loosening up and removing your wraps (but I did it without oil and for me, that worked once just fine too). I used vegetable oil this time, but you can use olive oil, baby oil, or whatever you have on hand. I just start picking gently and slowly and before you know it, 30 seconds has passed, and I have removed one set already with no smell or chemicals at all! I took a picture of my naked natural nails right after removal to show you how natural and healthy my nails looked after wearing wraps for almost 2 weeks!

So, when it’s time for me to do my new wraps… I pour myself a cup of tea… lay out my Jamberry ‘stuff’ on my dining room table. I have more than what I need here by the way. I have all of this ‘stuff’ because I’m a consultant (and quickly becoming a nail junkie!). The first time I applied my wraps, all I had was wraps and a hair dryer!
Here is a little fact about ME and my nails. When I was young and until I had my first child (at 23) I always painted my nails. Actually – going back to my early elementary years… I used to “make my own false nails out of Elmers Glue” (haha). Don’t laugh too hard, they actually looked pretty good! After kids, then a house… forget it! I decided it wasn’t worth all the effort to keep up with pretty nails! Not to mention that if I wanted to take a week off from painted nails, I would have ugly ‘yellow’ nails underneath. NOT anymore! I love that about these. I can go without wraps for a day or however long and not have to have embarrassing yellow nails.
I decided to add some more rings to the mix and see how I liked that look… kind of fun – I will like that look better in the summer perhaps.
A closeup so that you can see the floral pattern. I just love this pattern so much – definitely ordering more of it. My favorite combination though has to be this picture, as I noticed when I was babysitting my sweet baby granddaughter Lillian, and taking pictures of HER yesterday, that this Bohemian Blossom looks so incredible with my denim jeans! Doesn’t everything look better with blue jeans?
Hmmm, what pattern will I be trying out next? I might be doing someone else’s nails for my next post. My nieces are so excited to try them and I’ve promised them a visit on Thursday after school… (don’t you wish you had an Auntie like me?)
If you are interested in placing an order or joining my team to share these wraps with your own friends, family and potential new clients (earn free wraps and real income doing it?) – please contact me! I love these so much and want to share the opportunity with you too! Most parties are held online and on Facebook these days (making it so easy) – orders ship directly to the customer, so no sorting and delivering… and thanks to technology today - you can even live in Timbucktoo and be part of my team here in New England!
Talk to you again soon!